A Growing, Worshiping Church Led by God
Anglican | Congregational | Methodist | Presbyterian
Mission & Evangelism
The church exists to communicate God’s word – His message of salvation through faith. We are called to share our faith in creative ways by word and through serving people. This portfolio seeks to raise awareness of this and to create opportunities where St Paul’s members can be involved in taking the gospel message to family, friends and strangers. Mission and Evangelism is the largest portfolio in terms of budget and is healthily active. We are involved in the following places:
Concerning Africa Inland Mission (AIM) staff at Manamaneng, the team of Merrill, Bekah and Kgothalo completed the Bible story crafting assignment during the year for the Extreme TIMO team scheduled to start in 2014/15. Bekah returned home to the United States on home assignment and to subsequently join IRIS Global, and will be in Pemba, Mozambique later this year. Kgothalo has been given the opportunity to study theology in Botswana while Merrill continued on her own with her ministry of training shepherds to convey the good news of Christ’s gospel. Teams visited Molumong to repair gutters and install water tanks to harvest water and then pipe it into the home of Jayne Wilkins. Further south at Maphutseng we kept contact with the AIM staff at Growing Nations under August. The decision was also made to provide financial support to Jaap who is not an AIM staff member, but is employed directly by Growing Nations. Close contact has been maintained with John who heads up AIM Southern Africa concerning opportunities for St Paul’s to assist. During the year we assisted a family to move from Mozambique to Namibia.
Eastern Cape
We continue to support Barry and Louise who work with the AmaZioni through Zema (Zionist Evangelical Mission Agency). They have recently moved from Mthatha to Port Elizabeth.
Reach for Life No Regrets
This ministry under Margaret Janeke continues to do great work amongst the youth in many schools, Juvenile Correctional Centres and other institutions in various parts of the country. The primary objective is to focus on impacting the lives of our youth through investment in on-going life skills programs, thereby generating lives with purpose and stability due to moral regeneration. Many children and schools testify to the effectiveness of this work, to the extent that their services are sought country-wide. This year an important new work has been started in Piet Retief schools as part of Life Orientation in conjunction with Pastor George Pretorius. However, it has been an extremely difficult year for the Janeke family who were faced with a great attack on their health. Blessedly, the Lord has enabled them to stay in Johannesburg for Margaret to continue with the ministry.
Youth for Christ, Tanzania
St Paul’s gives financial support to Pascal and his Youth for Christ team who provide Christian care and basic education to hundreds of children, provides skills to enable youth to get jobs and conduct outreach mission programmes to youth in the area. We are considering a mission visit this or next year to the project.
Men’s Fellowship
Bruce has led the Men’s Fellowship at 3 breakfasts during 2013. We continue to seek ways to enhance the Men’s Fellowship.